Monday, March 16, 2009

Week 5 Recap

Thursay I went running around the neighborhood. Lish couldn't make it to the gym, so I went right at dusk and finished right as it was getting really dark. I ran my 6 mile loop between Mtn. View and Sunnyvale. I took it pretty easy to start as my hip flexor has been a little stiff, but the workout called for 5 x 2 minute pickups. After 1.5 miles I started the pickkups and finished with 2 miles to go.

On Saturday, Dad and I went for a 3 mile jog. He rode on the bike next to me as I took it easy. It was nice to have someone to talk with as I ran. I did my 3 mile loop to Mathilda and back. My goal was to run an easy run and I think I managed to do that.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Running Again

After a week off, I decided to get back on my training schedule. I didn't want to miss a long run, so I resumed running on Sunday. Sunday was a 12 mile run along Steven's Creek trail. I ran a similar route to the 10 mile run I did a few weeks ago. I had to turn around where the leavy was blocked, but I managed to add a little spur in the run to make up the distance.

Tuesday evening I ran on the treadmill for the 6 miles I was scheduled for. I set the treadmill at 8.0 miles per hour and cruised along for ~50 minutes. I ended up at 6.4 miles according to the treadmill, but the iPod said I had just run 6 miles. I am not sure which one to believe as I am still uncertain about the accuracy of the calibration on the iPod.

I woke up early this morning to run my 2 mile recovery because I am planning on biking after work. It was cold this morning. There was frost on the cars and some lawns. I felt pretty good and took it really easy. I was still a little stiff from my run last night, only about 10 hours ago.

Tomorrow is a 6 mile run with 5x2 min intervals.

Week 3 and 4

I am just getting caught up with recording my runs. I suffered a bout of shin splints recently and had to cut back on the training in week 4. On Tue Feb 24 I went out on a 5 miler around the house. I felt really good and tried to push the pace. I felt really good and think that it was one of my faster 5 mile runs, averaging sub 7:00 minutes for the entire run.

On Thursday I went out and did my 6 mile loop between Mtn. View and Sunnyvale. I tried to keep the pace nice and even and did pretty good through 3 miles. I ratcheted up the pace a little for the last half of the run, but I felt pretty wiped by the time I reached the 5 mile mark. All in all it was a good run after work.

My Saturday run had to be fit into my Tahoe weekend. I made it up to Kirkwood on Saturday morning and stayed with co-workers in South Lake Tahoe. Before the night got started, I snuck out for a 3 mile run at 6200 ft. I didn't feel as tired as I thought I would, but my shins started giving me trouble. I had a feeling that I was developing shin splints. The 3 miles went by smoothly and I made it back just as it was getting too dark to see.

I did try to go out and run my Sunday 10 miles even though it had been raining all day. I decided to run a 5 mile loop around the house twice in case it started to rain too hard or I got too cold. I finished the first loop and decided that my shins weren't cooperating and that it would be prudent if I cut the run short. I don't have any run data as the iPod was acting up. I ended up taking all of week 4 off in order to rehab my shins. I did a lot of stretching and strengthening excersices. I also began taking Vitamin E and Selenium along with ibuprofen.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Week 2

I finished up Week 2 feeling really strong. My Mom was in town this weekend, but I was still able to fit in my runs. I woke up a little early on Saturday and Sunday to fit in the workouts. Saturday was a 3 mile easy run. I ran to Mathilda and back, my 3 mile loop.

Saturday was a busy day. After I got back from my run, we had breakfast and headed north to the Marin Headlands. We squeezed a short hike in with my Mom before we continued on to Sonoma to visit our winery. The day didn't finish there. We made our way back into SF where we had dinner at Nob Hill Cafe followed by a going away party at Becky and Kelli's.

Sunday morning was my 10 mile run. I really didn't know what to expect of my body since I haven't really had a long run since the Half. I followed the Steven's Creek Trail all the way to the edge of the Bay. I started out at an even steady pace and felt really good. I think part of the reason that I felt so good was that I had a slight tail wind all the way out to the Bay. This is not typical as the wind usually blows off the Bay, but since it was stormy, things were thrown off a bit. At the turn around I realized how much wind I had been aided by. I still felt great, so the wind didn't really faze me. I steadily picked up the pace and finished the last 2 miles in a pretty steady drizzle. All in all it was a really good run and I felt pretty strong afterward.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

5 Miles after Work

I made it to the gym after work today to get my 5 mile workout in. I started out at 7.5 mph and increased every half mile by 0.1 mph until I reached 8 mph. I was able to hold 8 mph for the last half of the run. I felt pretty strong today. My legs did get a little heavy the last mile, but not really too fatigued.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Morning Run

I got up early this morning to run before work so that Lish and I could go to the SJ Sharks game. I had wanted to run ouside, but the weather didn't cooperate. I went to 24 Hour Fitness to run on the treadmill, which was the right choice since it rained pretty good. The running felt pretty good and I was able to increase the pace each mile. I finished up the 5 miles and was able to still get to work on time.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Week 1 Complete

On Thursday I got in a 5 mile treadmill workout. It wasn't very exciting, but I did feel really good. Lish met me at the gym, but she forgot her shoes and decided to go home. I forgot my socks, but decided to run without them. That was a bit of a mistake. Around 4.5 miles in, I devoped some blisters. Determined, I finished anyway.

I woke up on Saturday and went for a quick 3 mile run while Lish was getting her hair cut with Jasmine. The 3 miles went by quickly even though I was trying to keep the pace easy.

Since it was Valentines Day, Lish and I wanted to spend some time together, so we went out and braved the weather to go for a hike at Rancho San Antonio. We managed to get in about a 5-6 mile hike with only a few sprinkles.

Today was my "long run." 8 miles isn't that long, but I am still early in my training. The 8 miles were really brutal. I felt ok through 4 miles, but the last 4 were really tough. I had to reduce the speed a few times and felt completely wiped once I was done. I may have felt poor since it had been a while since I had eaten and went on the hike yesterday. No excuses, I will do better next run.